NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers' Day
Published: 05 July 2021
Grovesend and Waungron Community Council supported this day on 5 July 2021. The aim of the event was to help everyone recognise,
celebrate and express gratitude for the crucial contribution of all those
working within the frontlines of Health and Social Care. I have attached a link to this event for your
information www.nhsfronlineday.org
Our involvement on the day included a decorate your house / garden competition in a way of showing our appreciation to all frontline workers. This included a lot of brightly colours and rainbows. We also joined the nation by raising a rainbow flag followed by a 2 minute silence. Our local primary school also got involved and dressed up as NHS workers and also decorated stones in bright colours ready for them to find around the park later on in the day. A face painter also turned up and gave all the children a brightly coloured rainbow on their little faces. We also had a collection box on the day so we have managed to raise £259.77.